B.Y.Raghavendra.: Member of Parliament (MP) 2019 Shimoga, Karnataka

B.Y.Raghavendra of the BJP as Member of Parliament secured victory in Shimoga, with a commanding margin of 17.40% and a voter turnout of 78.70%. The constituency’s blend of agriculture and industry favored the BJP as Member of Parliament ‘s electoral agenda.


B.Y.Raghavendra of the BJP as Member of Parliament secured victory in Shimoga, with a commanding margin of 17.40% and a voter turnout of 78.70%. The constituency’s blend of agriculture and industry favored the BJP as Member of Parliament ‘s electoral agenda..

Shimoga, often referred to as the “Gateway of Malnad,” is known for its lush greenery and natural beauty. The constituency has a mix of agriculture, horticulture, and industries like iron and steel, contributing to its economic diversity.

Shimoga Constituency 2019 Winner: B.Y.Raghavendra.; Party: Bharatiya Janta Party.


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